Transelec provides high-voltage power transmission services to regulated and non-regulated customers between Arica and Chiloé, throughout nearly 10,000 kilometers of transmission lines and nearly sixty 500 kV and 220 kV substations.

Power transmission is the transport of electrical energy by means of high voltage cables supported by high metal towers from power plants –hydroelectric, solar, wind, and other types of energy– to substations, where it is transformed to low voltage for subsequent distribution to end users.

High voltage is voltage surpassing 25 kV, and this is how power is transmitted over long distances, using several kilometers of transmission lines. Transelec has over 9,000 km of 500 kV and 220 kV high voltage transmission lines.

An easement strip is a portion of land where the power concession and transmission line are located. Easement strips are regulated by the General Electricity Services Law and its Regulations, which indicate obligations for the landowner and the concessionary company.

Rights of way entitle Transelec to build, operate and maintain power transmission lines and constitute tax for this property.

Regulations require the laying out of a safety strip along transmission lines. This is a section of property where construction is prohibited in order safeguard the welfare of people and their property.

The company relates with communities between Arica and Chiloé, seeking to contribute to their development by means of a series of social programs designed to generate local development in alliance with the community. See more.

We prioritize care of the environment and seek the efficient use of natural resources in all our activities. This vision has been incorporated into all of our business stages – power transmission system design, construction and operation – with a multidisciplinary and preventive outlook that transcends legal considerations.