

Sustainability Policy

We transmit energy and contribute to the development of territories where we operate. Sustainability is our company’s guiding light and our collaborators are an essential part of this purpose.

Compliance with this Policy is the end result of our collaborators’ motivation and commitment coupled with an effective and efficient system.


Our people

We value and protect the lives of our internal and external collaborators, as well as the lives of each member of the communities where we operate.


We prioritize environmental care, maintaining a preventive attitude.


We build relationships of trust with mutual benefits for communities and local authorities.


We ensure compliance with regulations related to our activities and commit to uphold the highest ethical standards.


We promote collaboration and alliances for the development and sustainable operation of the power transmission system.


We reaffirm our commitment to service in order to meet our customers’ needs.

Our people

We value and protect the lives of our internal and external collaborators, as well as the lives of each member of the communities where we operate.


We prioritize environmental care, maintaining a preventive attitude.


We build relationships of trust with mutual benefits for communities and local authorities.


We ensure compliance with regulations related to our activities and commit to uphold the highest ethical standards.


We promote collaboration and alliances for the development and sustainable operation of the power transmission system.


We reaffirm our commitment to service in order to meet our customers’ needs.



We are committed to ethical business management, convinced that the way we reach our goals is as important as achieving them. The trust of our stakeholders is an invaluable asset. This stems from the service we provide, as well as our integrity and the values and principles reflected in our actions.

How do we manage this?

By means of the Transelec Integrity Model, whose focal points are prevention and detection.


Community Programs

Transelec seeks to generate trusting relationships with the communities around its operations. This is achieved through regular initiatives such as working groups, early citizen participation processes, and social investment projects.

In 2023, we implemented a strong and coherent Communities and Social Value Strategy to continue strengthening our ties with communities.

Social investment Agreements and participatory actions

Through a model that promotes associativity and the creation of working groups in each locality, we support the development of social investment projects to build relationships based on trust, dialogue, and mutual benefit.

The communities design the projects, which can vary depending on each locality’s specific characteristics and environment.

In 2023, 76 community infrastructure projects were implemented in 23 locations, organized in work groups and 22 schools.

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great scientists Education Program

This program was implemented in 19 schools in 9 regions of the country. It aimed to bring 4th-grade children closer to the lives and works of stand-out scientists from history, promoting the exploration and understanding of their contributions to science.

In total, 478 students participated. They carried out experiments inspired by each one of the scientists studied.

The program also sought to develop students’ knowledge about energy and skills based on the scientific method.

Growing together Entrepreneurship Program

This initiative, created during the pandemic to support micro-entrepreneurs and reactivate the local economy, celebrated its third version.

The training course “Techniques to grow my business” was given to 150 micro-entrepreneurs from communes alongside Transelec’s operations. Fifty were then chosen to receive a four-month period of personalized technical advice and accompaniment. In addition, they were given equipment or machinery to boost business growth.

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Social investment Agreements and participatory actions

Through a model that promotes associativity and the creation of working groups in each locality, we support the development of social investment projects to build relationships based on trust, dialogue, and mutual benefit.

The communities design the projects, which can vary depending on each locality’s specific characteristics and environment.

In 2023, 76 community infrastructure projects were implemented in 23 locations, organized in work groups and 22 schools.

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great scientists Education Program

This program was implemented in 19 schools in 9 regions of the country. It aimed to bring 4th-grade children closer to the lives and works of stand-out scientists from history, promoting the exploration and understanding of their contributions to science.

In total, 478 students participated. They carried out experiments inspired by each one of the scientists studied.

The program also sought to develop students’ knowledge about energy and skills based on the scientific method.

Growing together Entrepreneurship Program

This initiative, created during the pandemic to support micro-entrepreneurs and reactivate the local economy, celebrated its third version.

The training course “Techniques to grow my business” was given to 150 micro-entrepreneurs from communes alongside Transelec’s operations. Fifty were then chosen to receive a four-month period of personalized technical advice and accompaniment. In addition, they were given equipment or machinery to boost business growth.

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Environmental Management

The development of new power transmission systems is approached from a multidisciplinary perspective that integrates social and environmental dimensions from the planning and study phase up to the exploitation phase (and eventual closure).

This environmental management focus goes beyond legal compliance and enables the early identification and evaluation of potential environmental impacts, the analysis of route alternatives and the verification of regulatory compliance, together with the design of appropriate mitigation, compensation and/or repair measures when required.

Transelec has power facilities in territories considered to be “Protected Areas”, such as National Parks, National Reserves and key biodiversity areas. In order to safeguard these areas, the company works together with CONAF in order to comply with the respective Management Plans it has committed to and monitor compliance with commitments contained in the RCA.

In order to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, Transelec has executed dissemination, research and protection initiatives, such as the work done at the Chena and Lonquén hills together with the local authorities, which is showcased in the publications “Lonquén Reserva de Vida” and “Valor biológico, servicios ecosistémicos y plan indicativo de los sitios prioritarios cerros de Lonquén y Chena“.

The company has been actively involved in protecting birds, implementing perch guards to prevent birds from approaching energized transmission lines and also to prevent transmission faults.

In this context, among other initiatives, specialized care is provided for wounded birds of prey at a rehabilitation center located in the Metropolitan Region.

In line with the commitment made by Chile at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, Transelec is working on an agenda to reduce greenhouse gases at a corporate level, mainly sulphur hexaflouride, an artificial gas extensively used by the electricity industry because of its high insulation capacity.

Environmental Management

PROJECT LOCATION Los Lagos and Los Ríos Regions
The project consists of the construction and operation of a power transmission system featuring a new 2x500 kV transmission line and a new sectioning substation.

The transmission line route spans approximately 42 kilometers and features 365 high voltage towers. It crosses nine districts in the Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions (from the Pichirropulli substation in Paillaco to the Tineo substation to be built in Llanquihue).

The new substation known as Tineo is a new work that will combine with the transmission line to power up the two circuits of the current Rahue – Puerto Montt transmission line.

These works also consider a high voltage route spanning approximately 7 km in order to section the Rahue – Puerto Montt transmission line in the Llanquihue district.
Impact Measure
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENT: flora and vegetation.
NAME OF IMPACT: Loss of native forest representing any environmentally unique vegetation.
TYPE OF MEASURE: compensation.
NAME OF MEASURE: Planting a small area of native forest in keeping with environmentally unique parameters corresponding to native forest.
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENT: human environment (first nations).
AME OF IMPACT: intervention in land owned by the Puilo Chiguaipulli indigenous community due to an overhead high voltage transmission line crossing at Lot 1-A in the town of La Esmeralda, Río Negro district.
TYPE OF MEASURES: compensation.
NAME OF MEASURE: Construction and implementation of an original Mapuche ruka.
NAME OF MEASURE: Technical consultancy in order to generate a basic engineering solution for designing an access road to land belonging to the Puilo Chiguaipulli community.
NAME OF MEASURE: Technical assistance in order to complete an electrical junction on the land.
NAME OF MEASURE: Technical assistance by hosting sustainable agriculture workshops and creating family gardens or crops of interest for the Puilo Chiguaipulli
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENT: human environment (first nations).
NAME OF IMPACT: The possibility of temporarily altering the traditional way of life for the Putrihue indigenous community from Los Ángeles by incorporating non-habitual flows of vehicles and people into the area.
TYPE OF MEASURE: compensation.
NAME OF MEASURE: Technical assistance by hosting sustainable agriculture workshops and creating family gardens or crops of interest for the community.
PROJECT LOCATION Antofagasta Region
Construction and operation of this transmission line is part of the projects that will make SIC-SING interconnection and creation of the National Power Grid feasible.
The route for the new 2x500 kV Los Changos – Kimal transmission line spans approximately 138 kilometers between the framework of the 500 kV transmission line to be built at the Los Changos substation (Mejillones district) to the framework of the transmission line to be built at the 500 kV Kimal substation (María Elena district).
Two 750 MVA 500/220/66 kV autotransformer banks and 500 kV bays will be installed at the Kimal Substation in order to connect the new 2x500 kV transmission line.
Works at the Los Changos Substation consider the installation of bays in order to connect the new 2x500 kV line and a 750 MVA 500/220/66 kV autotransformer bank.
- Reduce visual intrusion
- Reduce visual incompatibility
- Reduce artificiality
- Prevent the modification of aesthetic features
- Respect the archaeological component: apply specific construction methods in the presence of archaeological sites
- Respect the paleontological component: monitor all interventions in segments identified as fossil-bearing
PROJECT LOCATION Antofagasta Region
Construction of the new 2x220 kV Los Changos – Junction transmission line (also known as Los Changos – Kapatur) within the framework of the “Mejillones Upgrade” project, whose principal is TEN. This transmission line is essential for making SIC-SING interconnection feasible and creating the National Power Grid.
The route spans approximately 3 km and consists of double circuit structures between the Los Changos and Junction Substations under construction, which feature nominal capacity of 1,500 MW.
Actions for protecting wild animals:
- Installation of anti-collision and perch guard elements to prevent birds from perching on transmission lines
- Bird collision monitoring plan
- Training plan for employees and contractors regarding care for and the appreciation of biodiversity
- Nesting monitoring for the Sterna lorata species
- Measures to safeguard archaeological and paleontological heritage, such as the installation of signage and the implementation of exclusion areas.
- Worker training regarding archaeological and cultural heritage.
- Measures in the presence of 12 archaeological elements protected by Law 17,288 and possible findings.
This project considers construction of the 500/220 kV Nueva Charrúa substation (also known as Entre Ríos) in the district of Pemuco, as well as a new 2x220 kV transmission line spanning approximately 15.5 km that will connect the new substation to the Charrúa Substation in the district of Cabrero.
Works also include sectioning of the 500 kV Charrúa – Ancoa 1 and 2 transmission lines and the construction of two 220 kV bays in order to connect the new transmission line.
The new substation will enhance and improve the current power transmission system, enabling the connection of future power generation sources and helping to control increasing power demand in the zone.
Together with the Charrúa substation, the largest in the country, this will become southern Chile’s energy node for transmitting and distributing power throughout the country.
- Community relations strategy
- Control measures in order to prevent impacts due to bird collisions and/or electrocution
- Ongoing archaeological monitoring
- Extraction control and use of aggregates



People’s lives are a fundamental asset at Transelec and this holds true for the company’s collaborators and contractors, and for the owners of land where our power transmission lines are installed, together with the residents and communities neighboring our facilities.


At a working level, this is managed by means of an internal occupational health and safety (OHS) strategy for which high risk activity efforts (such as altitude work, work with energized equipment and transmission lines and vehicle circulation).


At a social level, prevention work is conducted by informing and educating people as to how to safely live near high voltage power transmission lines, respecting recommended distances and security strips.


At a working level, this is managed by means of an internal occupational health and safety (OHS) strategy for which high risk activity efforts (such as altitude work, work with energized equipment and transmission lines and vehicle circulation).


At a social level, prevention work is conducted by informing and educating people as to how to safely live near high voltage power transmission lines, respecting recommended distances and security strips.


Read and download our

Electricity risks prevention campaign


Sustainability Reports

Transelec published Sustainability Reports between 2009 and 2021 in keeping with Global Reporting Initiative guidelines.

The company has been publishing an Integrated Annual Report since 2022. This document is formulated in accordance with GRI standards and Financial Market Commission (CMF) General Regulation No. 461, which constitutes part of the Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB) indicators corresponding to power companies and power generation companies.