
Investment Value

Transelec plays an important role in Chile’s energy development. We own and operate most of the electricity transmission facilities that comprise the National Electric System and are part of the National, Regional, and Dedicated (unregulated) systems. As of December 31, 2022, the Company had US$4.068 billion in transmission assets in the country.

Today Chile is facing the major challenge of shifting to clean energy generation and decarbonization. Our Company’s mission is to create value in society by allowing the new energies that are generated to be transmitted.

Transmission Systems Business Model

National System

Interconnected substations and lines from Arica to Chiloé. They are economically efficient and necessary to meet demand under various generation availability scenarios.

Regional Systems

These are facilities interconnected to the electric system for the exclusive provision of energy to groups of free or regulated final consumers. They are generally located in and around cities where distribution companies operate.

Dedicated Systems

Transmission lines and equipment mainly used to provide energy to non-regulated customers or to remove the production of a plant or limited group of generator plants. Transportation using these systems Is governed by private agreements between the parties.

Transmission Systems

Electricity lines and substations used to transport the energy generated in a single developing pole to the transmission system, making efficient use of the national territory.

Market Share

Given the transmission market remuneration system, the Company receives income as profit on the assets that represent its installed transmission capacity. As such, market share is not a key factor. However, Transelec has the following share of transmission lines based on tension level. This reflects its important presence in operational high-tension lines, particularly 154 and 220 kV lines.

Transelec is committed to decarbonizing Chile’s energy matrix. We offer transmission solutions for renewable energy projects and efforts to increase the system’s capacity to transport energy. We have steadily increased the percentage of renewable energies that we transport since 2018. This year, NCREs represented 31% of our revenues.

Transelec Renewable Energy Projects

Conditioning of Valle del Sol Lines (Miraje Substation): Transelec will build, operate, and maintain the electricity transmission system for the Valle del Sol photovoltaic park in the municipality of María Elena. This park will have an installed capacity of 162 MWDC.

(*): Includes Parinas-Likanantai project while Transmisora Parinas receives the approval of the project ownership. (**): It includes 4 expansion works that should have been assigned to Transelec Concesiones and Transmisora Pacífico. The respective modification has already been requested to the authorities.

Quebrada Blanca Transmission System:

We strive to provide the best possible transmission solutions to the mining industry. We built a transmission project for Minera Quebrada Blanca that will allow it to energize its new Quebrada Blanca 2 mine.

The transmission solution consisted of:

  • Building the new 200 kV Puerto Patache, Tarapacá-Cóndores substation
  • Building the new 220 kV Geoglifos Tarapacá-Lagunas substation
  • Expansion of the 220 kV Tarapacá substation.
  • Expansion of the 220 kV Lagunas substation.
  • Building a new 2x220 kV line stretching 122 kilometers, including one kilometer of underground line.

This project will be operated using the BOOT modality. The Company will build and operate the facilities during a specific period as the owner and will later transfer them to the client.

Digital Transformation and Innovation Management

Digital transformation and innovation are among our strategic levers because their development is critical to ensuring operational continuity through the anticipation of risks and economic decision-making.

Transelec has a Technology and Innovation Department that manages a broad portfolio for the entire Company. Various business units participate in initiatives that offer high-value opportunities.

This department has methodological, financial, technical, and technological capacities for promoting and supporting the development of the portfolio in coordination with the product owners that lead each initiative. Innovation and digital transformation are constantly monitored through monthly governance on different levels, from initiative leaders to the Executive Committee, which is comprised of our Vice Presidents and CEO.

Our portfolio has nine development focus areas. In 2022, we included rate automation and processing due to their importance for the Company. This brings the total number of projects to 49.

Status of Innovation Projects 2022

Transelec Ventures: Open Innovation Challenges